In the early 1970s, E. Thomas Miller and the Hill Country Archeaological Socitety preformed a series of excavations at archaeological site 41KR10 also known as the Bammel site, located in Kerrville, Texas. The Bammel site is a prehistoric site with human occupation during the Early Archaic, Middle Archaic and Late Archaic time periods. Unfortunately, the Bammel Site no longer exists, as there is now a subdivision in its place. Although the site has been replaced by modern development, Tom Miller's excavations at Bammel, recovered irreplaceable artifacts and recorded provenience information that may give the world insight of the archaic people whom once inhabited the area. The artifacts that were recovered at Bammel include lithic tools, modified bone, and ceramic material. Also found at the site were a few hearths with a large diversity of animal bones. The Bammel Site is one of many sites represented in the Miller Collection, curated here at CAS. The following exhibit showcases a selection of artifacts and associated records from Miller's work at the Bammel Site.