- The Little Paint Site: Excavation and Discovery along the South Llano River
- The Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University (CAS) developed an exhibit on SWCA's archaeological investigations at the Little Paint site (41KM226). This exhibit is titled The Little Paint Site: Excavation and Discovery along the So... View Exhibit Page
- Prehistoric Life, Labor and Residence in Southeast Central Texas
- This virtual exhibit presents a collection of artifacts recovered through archaeological investigations of 41HY163, Zatopec, located in San Marcos, southern Hays County. Zatopec, named for previous landowners, contains evidence of intermittent prehis... View Exhibit Page
- The Bammel Site: Remnants of Preshistoric Texas
by Joshua Flores—Manges - In the early 1970s, E. Thomas Miller and the Hill Country Archeaological Socitety preformed a series of excavations at archaeological site 41KR10 also known as the Bammel site, located in Kerrville, Texas. The Bammel site is a prehistoric site with h... View Exhibit Page